Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Worse Than Rodney King !!

Police brutality worse than Rodney King(link) (video at link) 


       I wanted to blog about this beacause there is a serious injustice here and not many people heard about this brutal beatings. Yes beatings, one while hogtied by the penn state troopers, another in the hospitals custody and yet another while in transition to the county corrections. His rights weren't read to him he took multiple beatings however he still reamains in prison. His story needs to be heard. Please comment and share this. Justice needs to be served

        This case involves a New York State resident operating his car just across the border from his New York home in Pennsylvania. His name is Robert Leone. This case is worse that the Rodney King episode in many, many ways. Here are but a few: Rodney King was involved in a high speed pursuit that involved at least 4 police cars, a helicopter, and exposed the general public to serious injuries or possible death. During this pursuit Rodney King committed innumerable traffic violations including attaining speeds approaching 100 MPH. Other than not stopping when directed, this incident involved no serious traffic violations and was simply the low speed following of a car that would not pull over. When finally stopped Rodney King acted in a very bizarre fashion. He did not follow police instructions to lay on the ground but rather pointed at the sky, patted the ground and was laughing and giggling while being ordered at gun point to lay on the ground. When Rodney King was finally “swarmed” by police and taken to the ground he resisted violently by kicking, punching, and flipping the arresting officers. When finally stopped by the police Mr. Leone COULD NOT comply with the orders of the arresting officers to exit his vehicle with his hands up because one of the officers had blocked Mr. Leone’s door with his patrol car. Mr. Leone sat calmly in his driver’s seat with both hands on his steering wheel, smoking a cigarette. Mr. Leone was tasered multiple times through his sun roof even though he did not display ANY threatening behavior whatsoever.

      Mr. Leone was then forcibly removed through his passenger door and repeatedly beaten, kicked and tasered while not even attempting to defend himself. The Senior State Police Officer is clearly seen jumping from Mr. Leone’s car roof and intentionally stomping Mr. Leone with both of his feet and all of his weight while Mr. Leone is face down on the ground. There has never been the claim that Rodney King was ever beaten by police AFTER he was taken into custody. Mr. Leone was repeatedly beaten by out-of-control State Troopers before and after he was handcuffed and also after he was hog tied. Numerous non-authorized maneuvers were used against Mr. Leone by the arresting Officers including the punching in his face with a closed fist by one of the Troopers. This punch caused the Trooper to break his own hand on Mr. Leone’s face. Mr. Leone was subsequently charged with a felony charge of Aggravated Assault on a Police Officer for using his face to break the Troopers hand (I am not kidding). There has been a high level cover up of this entire matter by the Pennsylvania State Police Office of Integrity and Professional Standards as well as the Prosecuting District Attorney of Bradford County Pennsylvania.


   The Judge who heard this case also appears to have a great deal of culpability as demonstrated by some very biased rulings during Mr. Leone’s trial as well as some other very questionable business connections within Bradford County. More on this will follow. Another Local story regarding a recent protest: Protesters Call for Justice for Robert Leone (link)
Artlicle Courtesy of Worsethanrodneyking.com

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Matthew Dennis Email: mastermindez@gmail.com
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