Monday, August 20, 2012

Should you join Empower Network? Here’s some answers to common objections.

           Look, if you’re here, on this post right now – it’s for one reason.
You’re wondering if you should join Empower Network.
Maybe you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, in the background, waiting – and maybe, just maybe you just ran into us right now.

Let me be honest, and up front, because the truth is, Empower Network is not for everyone.  If you’re reading this, it might not be right for you. 

Here’s who Empower is NOT for: 

1.  People who want a ‘Get Rich Quick’ scheme.  Although I definitely believe that by applying certain skill sets, you can ‘get rich quicker’ than inferior ways of making money, the truth is – you’ve got to work your ass off, even with a great system, great tools, great products, and a great company.  You might fall on your face, fail for a while, struggle a bit, and experience pain – and if you quit without applying what you learn, you might not make any money at all.
The Fact?  You WILL experience struggle if you want to make money on the internet.
It may not be immediately – maybe you’ll get in, and make $10,000 your first month.  It doesn’t matter whether it’s a struggle of learning new skills, facing a little rejection, or going through a ‘rough patch‘ – Empower is NOT for you if you’re not willing to face some pain in your life, and overcome it.

2.  People who want everything to be perfect before they start.  I have a core philosophy, and that is to break things, and innovate.  The fact is, if we’re perfect – we can’t grow.  The beauty in life happens in the pain of change, and Empower Network is a grass roots movement.  Part of being ‘grass roots’ is getting aches and pains, and growing stronger through the fire.  Real entrepreneurs understand that the greatest opportunity lies in the wake of innovation.

3.  Wussies.  Empower Network has a strict ‘no wussies allowed’ policy.  What exactly is a wussy?  It’s someone that blames the world for the problems that they create in life, and doesn’t preserver through challenge.  No whining, no complaining, if you want to be here.  We are here to Empower your vision, not to do it for you.  If you take personal responsibility for your own results – you’ll LOVE the culture at Empower Network.  If you love to blame others, we’ll probably make you mad when we call you a ‘wussy’.

If you want to succeed – work hard, and take responsibility, dangit!
Ok, that’s who Empower Network is not for.

 Here’s who it is for:

1.  Real Entrepreneurs.  People who want to innovate, and be on the front lines of growth in the marketing world are automatically attracted to the culture we have in Empower.  We have a ‘No B.S.’ attitude, that has carried us through two MASSIVE hurdles and helped us do more than $4.2 million in sales in our first 140 days, and triumph through the struggle.
Who is a real entrepreneur?  Someone who is ready to tackle a challenge, someone who wants to grow, and learn WHILE doing.  We need to get rid of this ‘get perfect before we try’ attitude, and ATTACK our problems head on, with the ferocity of a wild Lion.  Like Bruce Lee, we like to ‘Attack the Attack’.

2.  People who like RESULTS based marketing education.  At Empower Network, we only teach what we do ourselves.  All the way from the founders, with Dave Sharpe and I, to the field leaders – we teach NOTHING that isn’t proven to create results.  Even if you don’t want to make money selling our training products, you won’t find better education anywhere – either offline or online – there is a reason for this, and it has to do with the third type of person.

3.  People who want to make REAL MONEY when they sell stuff, and are sick of the crap.  The reason why our marketing education is so cutting edge is because our affiliate compensation model is attracting the best direct response marketers in the world.  Why?  Because they make more money selling our stuff, than anything they’ve ever sold before.
*  Key:  You still have to do the work, to generate traffic and create sales.  We’ll help you.  We’ll give you tools – however, your results are YOUR personal responsibility.
We get real marketers, getting results NOW to do all of our trainings at Empower, so you always have real, up to date, live strategies that work RIGHT NOW in the marketing world, rather than being trapped in the never ending cycle of product launches.

If you buy our stuff – you don’t need ANYTHING else.  Period.
We have the numbers to back that up.

If you’re a leader in Empower Network – feel free to share your own results below.  * See income disclaimer – we publish average earnings statistics based on actual payouts and commissions, updated daily.  We are not afraid of what our people are earning, and some make no money at all.
If you fall into this ‘elite’ group, and you want to get results online, you may have one of the common objections to joining that I’m going to list below.  I’m not going to answer everything, just the major ones – I can attack smaller issues in a future post.

Objection #1:
Empower Network is just another ‘Attraction Marketing System’ – I tried that!  Or, I’m already in a system!
The Facts:  Empower is not a competition, or even in the same niche as ‘Attraction Marketing’.  We are related to the niche, but not in it.  What do I mean?  These kinds of companies provide systems and tools (good ones) to teach you how to create a totally branded funnel online – with your own videos, own face, own copywriting, and complete branded skill set.
We are not an ‘attraction marketing’ company – we are a direct response and personal development company.  Attraction Marketing teaches personal branding and personality marketing as the core of the message – and we teach conversions, response, direct marketing, and profit margins.  Although we teach the concepts that will allow you to do this when the time is right – we believe that it is not the right thing for brand new marketers to be running around creating custom built sales processes.
Why?  They usually suck at it for about 2 years before they get any results.  We teach people how to get results now by driving targeted traffic to a high converting, extremely profitable offer, and then using relationship marketing to create up sells and team sales and growth.
So, instead, we operate our business around sales funnels built by people who know how to sell stuff – and teach everyone how to operate within a system around that process.
Think of it this way – if Tony Robbins came to you and said:  ”Here’s the deal – I’ll do the selling, make the funnels, do the up sells, close your customers, and build the process – and YOU can keep 100% of the commissions from product sales…”
Would you rather do the selling yourself?  Exactly.  He can do it better – so can we, and we have proof.
It works better for new people.  However, some people still want to create their own funnels, and they are free to do that.  I encourage new people not to, though, when they’re new.  Usually, they get significantly worse conversions than our sales funnels – that are built by people who know how to sell stuff.  Later, when you’re making money, learning these things can be useful if you want to create your own company – but for the first year, or two, they will stop you dead in your tracks if you focus on it.
We’re targeting a wider audience – in the ‘Make Money’ niche, ‘Affiliate Marketing’ and generic ‘Work from Home’ and attract audiences from all of it.  My goal in forming this company was to create something that attracted and compelled the masses, not something that stayed in the Network Marketing niche – it’s one of the core reasons we’ve grown so fast.  People who don’t even like MLM are attracted to the simplicity and speed of growth of the Empower Network model.
Attraction marketing companies are extremely valuable too, they just fall within a different market.  We’re not even making a remote attempt to compete with them, we’re going after a different, bigger group – we’ve got a vision to put 250,000 customers in Empower Network in the next 12 months, something that is not possible in such a narrow, focused niche.

Objection #2:
Internet marketing doesn’t duplicate!  Do home meetings, dangit!!!!
The reason why people think this, isn’t because it’s true – it has to do with another objection that people usually have, and it is an objection created by ‘Attraction Marketing.’  The objection is valid if you’re a traditional network marketer, but it doesn’t apply to Empower Network.
Why?  Because Empower Network doesn’t teach attraction marketing, we’re a direct response company, that handles front and back end sales conversions – and teaches people how to narrow their focus down to one skill:  Getting Traffic.
The fact?  Getting Traffic is easy to teach if you take out the technical and management complications that drive the rest of the marketing niche.
Empower Network DOES duplicate, and we can prove it.  Look at the numbers – we’ve now existed for 140 days, and have more than 20,109 customers who have bought our blogging system.  Does your offline team duplicate that fast?  Probably not.
The fact is – it might – but saying that Internet Marketing can’t duplicate just isn’t true, when you look at the numbers.  The reason why internet marketing doesn’t duplicate, is because most people are trying to teach everyone to be gurus, not focus on basics that everyone can do.

We’ve solved that issue, and are growing faster than most actual, grass roots belly to belly network marketing companies.  Again – is this true normally?  Sure.
It actually makes a lot of sense why most belly to belly network marketing leaders keep their teams off of the internet – it’s a total disaster to duplication and growth, because it’s so damned complicated......

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 Matthew Dennis Email:
Skype: Matthew Dennis

Click Here to work with me personally.

P.S How to earn an extra 500-1300 a day! The Easy Way Click Here

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