Thursday, August 30, 2012

Make Money Doing Nothing

You know we all got in this industry to work for a few years or more then eventually retire right?

…Make Money Doing Nothing is the Real Goal!

Or did we get in it to work forever and when we stop working our income goes away?

Well that sounds like a job to me, and I definitely don’t want to work for the rest of my life!

…A couple things to keep in mind when you are building your business:
Pick strategies that don’t take more time when you get big!
Use more efficient actions each day using the technology we have! (too many people are not utilizing technology to save themselves time!)
Build a list, get people to watch a video, then followup and enroll them in the business! (this should be your only action you teach your team, anything else is inefficient!)

Watch this video on the secret to making money doing nothing!

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Matthew Dennis
Skype: Matthew Dennis

Click Here to work with me personally.

P.S How to earn an extra 500-1300 a day! The Easy Way Click Here


I wanted to share something with you that I do daily!

…I call it my morning ritual!

I actually didn’t even come up with it. I modified it based on a couple trainings I went through from Tony Robins “Hour of Power” and an Eben Pagan course on productivity!

…I found that by doing this Morning Ritual I have more energy, I get better results in my business & I just feel great all day!

You will be surprised by just doing this one action how much better your day is!

…People tend to set their day off by what happens in the morning. If you wake up and stub your toe most the time you end up having a bad day the rest of the day (if you don’t know how to turn it around)!

By doing a Morning Ritual you can set your day right and put yourself in a successful mindset and attract what you deserve in your business!

Watch My Video where I walk you through my exact Morning Ritual here:

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Matthew Dennis
Skype: Matthew Dennis

Click Here to work with me personally.

P.S How to earn an extra 500-1300 a day! The Easy Way Click Here

Simple Affiliate Organization Strategy

Do you have a billion affiliate links from different Network Marketing companies, affiliate products, training tools ect. ?

…Well so do I!
That is why I looked for a way to organize this and really make my life easier!
…What I found was: Subdomains

I recently held a webinar with my personal team and when I showed this to them I was shocked at the amount of people that didn’t know about this!

…So I thought of YOU! Maybe you are reading this blog and don’t know about it!

If I help even 1 person from this blog post I will be happy!

…I hope that is you!

Here is the video walk-through on exactly how to organize your affiliate links


Matthew Dennis


Click Here to work with me personally.

P.S How to earn 500-1300 a day!

The Easy Way Click Here

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The MORE you enjoy life = The MORE your bank account grows.

One of the many highlights at the recent Empower Network “Masters Retreat” was without a doubt the amazing Catamaran Party.
Here is an exclusive behind the scenes video on the Catamaran sailing the beautiful waters of Costa Rica with the most badass online marketers on planet Earth.

Pretty gangsta huh?
Can you picture yourself partying it up with us at our next retreat?
Our next event is less than 30 days away in San Diego…
…and there will be a private yacht for those who place in the top 25 in our affiliate contest.
Here is the latest contest leaderboard:
The MORE you enjoy life = The MORE your bank account grows.
Considering the fact there are over 40,000 Empower Network affiliates…
…I am thrilled at the fact I am currently ranked #13 and my sponsor Justin is #4
…as well as many other of my teammates ranked on the contest leaderboard.
The power of events are absolutely life changing.
They are so powerful that Justin Verrengia’s online income literally went from about $10,000 in June to$42,162 in July
…simply because he showed up to our last event “Dont Be A Wussy 2012? in Atlanta.
In the video below are my badass Empower Network teammates…
…Adam Whiting & Mike Hobbs Reveal The Key to Success In Costa Rica

Please Comment, Rate, and Share Thank You

Matthew Dennis
Skype: Matthew Dennis

Click Here to work with me personally.

P.S How to earn an extra 500-1300 a day! The Easy Way Click Here

Self Limiting Beliefs – Are they holding you back?

Have you ever said “I’m not a computer person.” or “I am not good at sales.” ?
…Well my friends that is a Self-Limiting belief!
By saying statements like that you are actually telling your subconscious mind that you can’t do it and will not even be open to learning how to do it!
…It’s like having your foot on the break when trying to drive. Yes you want to get to the destination but uncontentious have your foot on the break!
In this video my friend mike will explain this more in detail. Enjoy!

Here is a couple things you should do to turn these Self Limiting Beliefs around
#1. Get on our morning mindset call! This is not opportunity specific and can help you in just more then your business. Life in general! I suggest you add these phone numbers to your circle of friends on your phone plan so you get unlimited calling to it!
9am EST/6am PST
Access Code: 565762#
Replay Number: 712-432-0990 (usually up for about 12 hours after call)
#2. Listen to an “Inner Circle Audio” from Empower NetworkYes Empower Network actually does have a valuable product that can not only help you in your mindset, but also in your bank account! Tap into this recourse on a daily basis. The knowledge you gain from it is priceless!
There you have it! Get rid of those Self Limiting beliefs because that’s all they do is limit you from your true potential.
People said that you couldn’t make a lot of money from a $10 GVO autoresponder account, but because we don’t limit our beliefs on income this is what our account balance is as of today on commissions owed to us this month!

Matthew Dennis Email:
Skype: Matthew Dennis
Click Here to work with me personally.

P.S How to turn 40 to 80! The Easy Way Click Here
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Money doesn't buy me happiness, but...

...neither does being poor.
Happiness, like all emotion, is controlled
by the focus of attention, not money.
Money is an inanimate object, like a hammer.
You can build a fortress with a hammer,
and bash someone's head in with it, too.
The power is givennot by the hammer, 
but by the one who wields it.
A more accurate statement would be:
"Money has absolutely nothing to do
with happiness, or any other emotion
whatsoever - they are unrelated 
phenomenon, "
Happiness is a funny phenomenon, too.
I was talking to a religious guy earlier,
about the money thing - and then happiness
came up.
He said something like this:
"Well, maybe Jesus said it's harder for a
camel to go through the eye of a needle,
because religious people are less likely
to depend on God for happiness."
Maybe that's true, but here's the problem:
Happiness has nothing to do with God.
Now - before you bash the Bible over my
head - I'm not bashing religion there, I'm 
just disconnecting non-related phenomenon.
In a similar way to money not buying happiness,
God doesn't give it, either.
(unless you're talking about being happy 
forever - in which case, maybe you're right)
However, right now - happiness, or sadness,
has nothing to do with anything other than
the focus of your mind and your biochemistry.
If your mind is constantly focused on stuff that
you don't have - generally, it will produce
In other words - let's say that you want $10,000
a month, and you don't have it.
Instead of focusing on what you DO have, you
focus on what you don't have.
You focus on the 'lack' of money in your bank
account, or whatever.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Acting Like Professional In Network Marketing


        Have you ever seen those people that join your business, super excited, just got their first signup and they couldn’t be more EXCITED!
Then the next week their top guy quit, they got a few no’s and all of a sudden they are ready to quit!

…It actually happens a lot in our industry. I attribute it to one thing!  They base all their actions off emotion!
That is why I created this video

  …It explains how to overcome this emotional roller coaster and why a true professional would never get caught up in this mindset!

Matthew Dennis Email:
Skype: Matthew Dennis
Click Here to work with me.personally.

P.S How to turn 40 to 80! The Easy Way Click Here
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

If making money in your business isn’t EASY, you ain’t doing it right…


…this might sound a bit ‘off‘ from what a lot of people are saying, but I PROMISE you, that what I’m saying here is not only true, but when you really get it – I don’t think you’ll ever struggle to have money in your life again.

Let me define this for you…
When I say that making money is easy – I’m not saying it doesn’t involve workwhat I am saying is that there should be no struggle involved in the process, and when you understand the flow of money and how to create income on demand, your income will ‘flow’ instead of having that feeling that you’re beating your forehead against a wall with nails in it…

Here’s how this post got inspired: 

I was in an airport the other day, and got talking to a speech pathologist who is traveling through Costa Rica with some friends for the next month or two. After 2 or 3 minutes, she asked me what I do for a living, and I just decided to tell her the truth…

“I’m a drug dealer.”

After she got nervous, I laughed and said ‘kidding, seriously – what I do is EVEN better – I get paid to live like I want all day.'

We then started talking about economics, the government, the Federal Reserve System, and how the internet and instant communication fits into the future of the world.

(well, OK – it was me talking and her being bewildered by foreign concepts that almost no one

It became very clear to me in about 10 minutes, that this 35 year old gal had NO IDEA how the flow of money worked in the world, and it got me thinking…

…I wasn’t really able to create income on demand until I learned how the flow of money worked – and once I understood HOW it worked – I got rid of a bunch of silly concepts that were holding me back from creating what I wanted to create in my life.

Since that time – I’ve consistently made around $30,000 per month, and sometimes a lot more from my various businesses – and honestly, with very little struggle, it just ‘flows’.

So what the HECK did I learn?

10 Inconceivable Natural Wonders

These are 10 lesser known natural wonders of the world.

That I would admit are very fascinating. I bet 85% of people never heard of at least 3 of these 10 extraordinary wonders. Just take the time to watch this video clip, and enjoy the natural beauties of the world. I know I loved this.

If you did Please "Comment" like & share please. Thank you

 Courtesy of Alltime10's

Here's an extra one enjoy

Matthew Dennis Email:
Click Here to work with me personally.  
P.S How to earn 500-1300 a day!
The Easy Way Click Here Please leave comments below

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Ulitimate Plan To Get Money


      Analyze the record of any man who has accumulated a great fortune, and many of those who have accumulated modest fortunes, and you will find that they have either consciously, or unconsciously employed the ''MasterMind'' principle.  
                                           Napoleon Hill 

    My plan is to follow the simple 8 core steps to building a successful Internet business. But first I have to learn the ''Ins & Outs'' of the business I plan to put my ''All In.'' Education and training is the key to being successful in any business. Educate then preach is what I believe, Follow then lead. It's kind of hard explaining something you don't know. Would you agree? Educating myself is key to my success. Once I'm knowledgeable about my company/business, I want help others. Help any and everyone understand my business is like no other. If you show interest and are willing to learn, and can follow simple instructions. I will do everything I can to help guide you and keep your ''MindSet'' in the right direction. Being a top leader, earning big money, and to be respected for the people I've helped, lives I've changed is my goal.

My big question before I got All In was, why can't I make big money? Why do I have to work a 9 to 5? When I know there are people that don't but yet are still financially secure for life! Just by playing on the computer literally. So I said to myself, ''That had to be me.'' I'm tired of getting talked down to for a lousy pay check. Busting my ass but it's still not enough, just to get longer hours and more stress. 
                                                    If there's a will there's a way.

Success How Bad Do You Want It?

Everyone can achieve Success .  

  What route will you take? EMPOWER!


     I watch this video every day before I start work. If things aren't going the way you want in life this will change everything! It has given me the mindset I needed to Successfully get my business up and running. If you enjoyed this

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Matthew Dennis Email:
Click Here to work with me personally.
P.S How to earn 500-1300 a day! The Easy Way Click Here

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Worse Than Rodney King !!

Police brutality worse than Rodney King(link) (video at link) 


       I wanted to blog about this beacause there is a serious injustice here and not many people heard about this brutal beatings. Yes beatings, one while hogtied by the penn state troopers, another in the hospitals custody and yet another while in transition to the county corrections. His rights weren't read to him he took multiple beatings however he still reamains in prison. His story needs to be heard. Please comment and share this. Justice needs to be served

        This case involves a New York State resident operating his car just across the border from his New York home in Pennsylvania. His name is Robert Leone. This case is worse that the Rodney King episode in many, many ways. Here are but a few: Rodney King was involved in a high speed pursuit that involved at least 4 police cars, a helicopter, and exposed the general public to serious injuries or possible death. During this pursuit Rodney King committed innumerable traffic violations including attaining speeds approaching 100 MPH. Other than not stopping when directed, this incident involved no serious traffic violations and was simply the low speed following of a car that would not pull over. When finally stopped Rodney King acted in a very bizarre fashion. He did not follow police instructions to lay on the ground but rather pointed at the sky, patted the ground and was laughing and giggling while being ordered at gun point to lay on the ground. When Rodney King was finally “swarmed” by police and taken to the ground he resisted violently by kicking, punching, and flipping the arresting officers. When finally stopped by the police Mr. Leone COULD NOT comply with the orders of the arresting officers to exit his vehicle with his hands up because one of the officers had blocked Mr. Leone’s door with his patrol car. Mr. Leone sat calmly in his driver’s seat with both hands on his steering wheel, smoking a cigarette. Mr. Leone was tasered multiple times through his sun roof even though he did not display ANY threatening behavior whatsoever.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Should you join Empower Network? Here’s some answers to common objections.

           Look, if you’re here, on this post right now – it’s for one reason.
You’re wondering if you should join Empower Network.
Maybe you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, in the background, waiting – and maybe, just maybe you just ran into us right now.

Let me be honest, and up front, because the truth is, Empower Network is not for everyone.  If you’re reading this, it might not be right for you. 

Here’s who Empower is NOT for: 

1.  People who want a ‘Get Rich Quick’ scheme.  Although I definitely believe that by applying certain skill sets, you can ‘get rich quicker’ than inferior ways of making money, the truth is – you’ve got to work your ass off, even with a great system, great tools, great products, and a great company.  You might fall on your face, fail for a while, struggle a bit, and experience pain – and if you quit without applying what you learn, you might not make any money at all.
The Fact?  You WILL experience struggle if you want to make money on the internet.
It may not be immediately – maybe you’ll get in, and make $10,000 your first month.  It doesn’t matter whether it’s a struggle of learning new skills, facing a little rejection, or going through a ‘rough patch‘ – Empower is NOT for you if you’re not willing to face some pain in your life, and overcome it.

2.  People who want everything to be perfect before they start.  I have a core philosophy, and that is to break things, and innovate.  The fact is, if we’re perfect – we can’t grow.  The beauty in life happens in the pain of change, and Empower Network is a grass roots movement.  Part of being ‘grass roots’ is getting aches and pains, and growing stronger through the fire.  Real entrepreneurs understand that the greatest opportunity lies in the wake of innovation.

3.  Wussies.  Empower Network has a strict ‘no wussies allowed’ policy.  What exactly is a wussy?  It’s someone that blames the world for the problems that they create in life, and doesn’t preserver through challenge.  No whining, no complaining, if you want to be here.  We are here to Empower your vision, not to do it for you.  If you take personal responsibility for your own results – you’ll LOVE the culture at Empower Network.  If you love to blame others, we’ll probably make you mad when we call you a ‘wussy’.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Our Vision For The Empower Network


     Our Vision at Empower Network is much different than any other company you’ll find in the marketing space, because the fuel that drives our vision is helping someone brand new make their first $100 online. We look out for the ‘little guys’ and live and die by the value we provide to our members.We treat our members AS VALUED PARTNERS, always staying mindful that your #1 priority is to build your business and keep it profitable. We’ll never overwhelm you with training or distractions that you don’t need or want. Our #1 priority to help you grow – personally and financially …and make our community a place where lives are impacted and ANYONE can succeed.Our vision is to help hundreds of thousands of network marketers, affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs have massive breakthroughs and create a permanent change in their quality of life and financial situation.Click the banner to the right to access the insider video that reveals the ‘commission loophole’ that deposits 100% commissions into your bank account daily, hourly …even by the minute....
 Rest of post here

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PS How to make an EZ $150-$200 a day. Here

INSIDE! Newbie defies ALL odds and rises up from the ashes to make his FIRST SALE his FIRST DAY with his FIRST BLOG POST!

   See, sometimes you have to believe ….one more time.And if you do DARE to dream again…..To take a stand, and fight again…..To stand up, and be BOLD again…..You’ll realize that ANYTHING is possible.What you’re witnessing at Empower Network is simple. It’s called…..Real people. Real results. Real money.And aboslutely no wussies allowed, period.So the question is….

Are you ready to Delete Your Wussy and Release Your Inner BadAss?
If so the video is Here

Work with me personally
PS How to make an EZ $150-$200 a day. Here

Let’s Lock Arms, And Fight The Forces of Evil…

7 months ago…
Darkness covered the land……across the internet universe, the ‘Forces of Evil’ garnered more and more power, and the people became more and more poor.They hopped from launch to launch – from company to company……looking for the way – the TRUTH, the ‘solution’ that would FINALLY give LIFE to their business.Yet all they found was another guru……another ‘master‘ with the secret.The wealth was divided, and in the classes of wealth there grew a greater, and greater chasm between the rich, and the poor.The message was:“…work your ass off!  Slave away!”“Take calls all day!”“Do meetings!”Yet the people became more and more poor……the gurus:
…as they cashed yet another check.One day……walking through the mountains:
An idea was born.
What if there was a way……to get ‘Guru Money‘ into the hands of the people?What if……instead of ‘weanie‘ little, itsy bitsy commissions:The PEOPLE made ALL the money?What if……a movement rose up, that was so POWERFUL… it captured the masses?What if:YOU’RE TIME has FINALLY come?What if YOU and I locked arms……to rise against the machine?On October 31st, 2011…
…a MOVEMENT was born.
A movement that began to unify people all over the world.People who are sick of the bull shit.People who are sick and tired, of being sick and tired…People with a vision – a dream, a HOPE to become great!People who have heart, talent, and POWER to change the world!All over the world, people have come together……with a unified vision.With a UNIFIED hope……and all over the world… people are flying in to a ‘mysterious location’ in San Diego – September 21st, more than 2,000 of them
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Go here for the rest of my post
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PS How to make an EZ $150-$200 a day. Here

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Support Network Marketing

             Sometimes we all get caught up in the competitiveness of this industry and I just want to give you a perspective on what I believe we should be doing! We should be supporting Network Marketing vs competing against each other!

Yes I believe you should pick 1 Network Marketing company and run with it! Obviously the #1 factor to picking a company to promote is the support system in place! Yes Products & Comp plan are important, but not the deciding factor when choosing to work the business. If you have a good support system and leadership then they most likely picked a good product and comp plan anyway! So all the pieces should be in place for you to make money! No support system = no money! So pick a good one! Back to the point of this post… Even if you are dead focused on 1 Network Marketing business I think you should support the industry and buy other products that you think are great! Why not? So even though my primary business and what I choose to build is One24…
I buy products that I love from other companies as well like Beach Body (p90x, Insanity) , Herbalife24 (pre workout & recovery products), Xooma (join health supplement)… Basically instead of going to GNC for my protein and supplements I choose to find products in Network Marketing! This is how I support the profession! So pick a company and leadership you want to align your business with & make the most amount of money possible, then buy the products you want and need from other Network Marketing companies. Nothing wrong with that!

 Matthew Dennis Email:
Skype: Matthew Dennis

Click Here to work with me personally.

P.S How to earn an extra 500-1300 a day! The Easy Way Click Here

10 Disturbing Conspiracy Theories

Some of these theories I haven't heard of. Some are pretty interesting courtesy of Alltime10s

 Matthew Dennis Email:
Skype: Matthew Dennis

Click Here to work with me personally.

P.S How to earn an extra 500-1300 a day! The Easy Way Click Here

Pretty Boy Floyd Some great Highlights

Never Gonna Happen lol

The Untouchable Money Mayweather, say what you want the numbers don't lie. Enjoy

 Matthew Dennis Email:
Skype: Matthew Dennis

Click Here to work with me personally.

P.S How to earn an extra 500-1300 a day! The Easy Way Click Here

Friday, August 17, 2012

Colorado Shooting in "Lil wayne's Music Video" 3 days Before Shooting

    This music video really creeped me out, this is why I barely watch Tv and music videos now. PLEASE WATCH AND COMMENT BELOW I want to hear what others think of this video. IT was really 12 skeletons in the movie theater in this video. Including a barrage of other demented trappings

Matthew Dennis Email:

Skype: Matthew Dennis

Click Here to work with me personally.

P.S How to earn an extra 500-1300 a day! The Easy Way Click Here

Unusual Mating Rituals

    Here's another post from the Alltime10s really interesting stuff I would say. I never seen this many different animals mating until I saw this video. Let me know what you guys think about it please comment, rate and share. Thank you for reading and watching.

Please Comment, Rate, and Share Thank You

Matthew Dennis Email:
Skype: Matthew Dennis

Click Here to work with me personally.

P.S How to earn an extra 500-1300 a day! The Easy Way Click Here

The MVP D.Rose Is On His Way Back

       I was born and raised in the great city of Chicago. I am a fan of every Chicago team from the Chicago Sky to the Chicago Fire. Im a fan even if I haven't heard of the team what can I say I represent my city to the fullest. We took a huge hit last season that hurt a lot of fans, even if you weren't a fan you had to feel some sympathy. Come on a number one team with great hopes for the championship. Some say the recovery should be 4 months most say until march. I'm not hanging the Bulls up yet they still have a chance. The hard thing about being a Bulls fan is the team decision making. Especially on trades and new players. Every time I turn around I hear more news about the Bulls that gets me shaky about the season. For example: I turn on the Tv and see big Omer Asik playing in a Houston Jersey. I was pissed we consistently struggle to meet the needs of a good big man and we give away a seven footer. And a good one at that, it blew my mind totally. Then come to find out Brewer, Watson, and Korver are gone to bring back Kirk Hinrich again Smh. Adidas will be doing a documentary on the recovery of D.Rose check out the trailer below. We need Rose back now!!
Please comment, like, and share if you enjoyed this. I will be keeping an update all season on the Bulls and Rose's injury. so stay in tune to my blog thanks for reading